Monthly archives for May, 2015

4 Big Pitfalls for Digital Startups

4 Big Pitfalls for Digital Startups

OBA Guest blogger Anthony Lance, founder of, shares their company’s experiences regarding the 4 big pitfalls for digital startups: 1. Probably the biggest temptation for online based startups is to put too much emphasis on the digital experience right at the beginning. We dropped most of our initial funding into building a snazzy site, but […]

4 Key Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs

4 Key Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs

Thinking of starting your own business? Here are 4 Key Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs: 1. Drive 5% inspiration, 95% perspiration? There may be something to that saying, as it is certainly in the execution that businesses turn from being a good idea into a successful and proven entity. You’ll need the drive and determination to see projects […]

Business Idea: Setting Up a Shopify Store

Setting Up a Shopify Store

Software as a Service (SaaS) for ecommerce has become a big hit over the past few years; you pay a monthly subscription fee for access to an all-in-one solution for your ecommerce store. With these solutions there is no need to build your own site, sign hosting and payment processing agreements, or do any of […]

Selling with Online Marketplaces

Selling with Online Marketplaces

The online marketplace is not a new phenomenon; eBay and Amazon both made the business model famous in North America in 1994-1995, enabling thousands of micro-entrepreneurs to get online and sell to other customers over the internet. Since then, Asian marketplace websites such as Taobao (Mainland China), Rakuten (Japan), Lazada (South-East Asia) and many others […]